5 reasons to choose an ISO 27001-certified Software Development Company

In recent years, information has become one of the greatest business assets and data security is now a priority for companies and organisations around the world. This is particularly the case in sectors that need to handle large volumes of personal and sensitive data on a daily basis, such as healthcare, insurance and banking. Compliance with strict regulations can be a challenge not just for individual institutions and enterprises, but also for tech companies that develop software for clients from the regulated sectors. A Software Development Company must be able to guarantee that they have deployed the best data protection standards. Let us have a look at the ISO 27001 certificate. What standards does it attest to and why should you consider working with ISO 27001-certified companies?

5 reasons to choose an ISO 27001 certified Software Development Company

What is ISO 27001 and why should you bet on certified companies?

ISO/IEC 27001 is an international information security standard. It defines the specifications that govern ISMS (information security management system) deployment, maintenance and development. In order to get ISO 27001 certification, companies must regularly examine data security risks and build a coherent set of information security control tools to address them. 

A Software Development Company must be able to guarantee that they have deployed the best data protection standards. Let us have a look at the ISO 27001 certificate. What standards does it attest to and why should you consider working with ISO 27001-certified companies? 

 or any other company ready to deploy the standard must undergo an audit performed by an external accreditation centre. If the audit is passed successfully, the organisation gets a certificate to confirm its compliance.

What are the benefits of deploying ISO 27001 in an organisation?

  • A correctly deployed and maintained ISMS protects all types of data, i.e. digital, paper-based and cloud data; 
  • The ISO 27001 standard allows you to build a centralised data security management structure, promptly respond to constantly evolving risks and adapt your actions to risk analysis. 
  • The systems and procedures implemented for the purposes of certification make your company less vulnerable to cyber attacks and external threats. 

What is the business advantage of ISO 27001 certification?

The benefits of ISO 27001 certification can be seen not only in terms of technology but also of business. If your potential technology partner is ISO 27001-certified, you can be sure they have deployed international data security standards and abide by all the relevant laws, norms and regulations. 

This gives you the confidence that, no matter the distance between you, your understanding of data security remains the same.

Why should your Software House have an ISO 27001 certificate?

5 top reasons based on Altkom Software’s practice and experience:

1. Comprehensive information security management 

At Altkom Software, we adopt a systematic approach to comprehensive information management, risk management and data processing infrastructure. A deployed ISMS is a solid modern security system focused on information and a pro-active approach to security management. 

2. A guarantee of safety 

The ISO 27001 certificate tells our clients that their data will be processed by competent, trained staff in accordance with the law and all relevant security standards. 

3. Greater trust and no need for constant control 

The system of principles, procedures, analyses and technical and physical control tools we have deployed at Altkom Software has considerably increased the level of confidence among our clients, who are now sure they can safely entrust us with the project information and sensitive data. 

4. A commitment to constant growth 

We understand that the ISO 27001 certificate also represents a commitment to constantly improving our services, developing our technology, enhancing our Data Security Management System and raising our staff knowledge and awareness. We need to take a pro-active approach to new security threats and continue to enhance our processes. 

5. Partnership 

Our clients often emphasise that they appreciate the fact we are not just a service provider, but also a consultant and partner directly involved in the project (check out our Clutch profile). Our ISO 27001 certification is another way to show them that they cooperate with a modern, committed, responsible and trustworthy company.  

If you are looking for similar qualities in a Software Development Company, contact us. We will be happy to talk about your needs and projects. Data security and confidentiality guaranteed!

How to verify whether your Software House has a valid data security certificate?

Altkom Software was certified by Alcumus ISOQAR, a UK-based accreditation centre. However, our systems and procedures had been developed over years of working in dedicated software development projects for the five largest European banks and multiple insurance companies. The ISO 27001 certificate just serves as an official confirmation of the maturity of our security standards. 

You can check the authenticity and validity of our ISO/IEC 27001:2013 (no. 22185) certificate here: Check an ISOQAR Registered Certificate | Alcumus. Each certificate bears a unique number you can use to check whether your potential partner has successfully passed the accreditation procedure.