Leasing process digitisation
DLP is a modular platform tailored to the needs and architecture of leasing companies. Automate your processes, acquire new partners and reach out to new customer groups with just one solution!Meet DLP — a solution to automate your leasing process across different sales channels
The platform is designed specifically for leasing companies looking to increase the share of their digital channel services and acquire new partners. Digital Leasing Platform generates a number of benefits for all three parties of the process: leasing companies, partners and end customers.
Do you want to implement DLP components in your company?
Key modules and functionalities
Process Management and Control
The module enables you to continuously monitor and analyse all active processes (or series of processes).
You can use it to check process lifecycles, discover bottlenecks, identify stages that take longer than expected and stages at which customers decide not to continue with the process.
Reporting, analysis, testing
The module generates operational and management reports and sends data to data warehouses and BI analytics tools.
It enables you to test and compare processes, including within the framework of A\B testing.
Form and document generator
The module allows you to generate even the most advanced forms and share them with your customers without any need for coding.
Hot deploy
The module allows you to optimise processes in real time. Changes can be deployed even in production.
Product catalogue
The module allows you to align your leasing products (e.g., car or radio and TV equipment leasing) with relevant processes, templates, documents or forms.
The most important benefits of deploying
Digital Leasing Platform
Banks and other
financial institutions.
Stationary stores
and e-commerce partners.
and individual clients.
Tap the benefits of the platform